If you really want to do something, you'll find a way.
If you don't, you'll find an excuse.
~Jim Rohn
If you truly want to accomplish anything in this life, you need to understand the answers to these three questions:
WHO is responsible for your results?
WHAT is the primary cause of your results?
HOW can you change your results?
WHAT is the primary cause of your results?
HOW can you change your results?
I will explore these three questions in detail in future blogposts and video blogs, but here's a summary. If you will take a moment and really explore these questions deeply, it can literally change your life. Sadly, many will just move on to something new and shiny.
WHO is responsible for your results?
You don't need to look any farther than your bathroom mirror to find the one person who is responsible for your results. You and you alone are responsible for the results that you are getting. You have choice in everything you do. I know what you are thinking, "But my boss.....but my job.....but my spouse......but my _________"
Accepting responsibility for your own life and choices is the critical first step to changing course. Responsibility is one of the many leadership traits becoming harder and harder to find today.
WHAT is primary cause of your results?
Circumstances? Environment? Economy? Co-workers? Customers? Spouse? Friends? Luck?
You will never find the cause of your results by looking outside yourself.
The answer is only found inside.
In The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale says, "Here's the key to success and the key to failure. We become what we think about."
What are you thinking? Your thinking is the primary cause of your results.
(I will stop here with this question as I do a whole workshop on this one question)
(I will stop here with this question as I do a whole workshop on this one question)
HOW can you change your results?
This is the easiest question to answer, but the most difficult to do.When you fully understand and grasp the first two questions, then the answer to this one is obvious. If YOU are responsible for your results and your thinking is the root cause, then changing your thinking will ultimately change your results.
You must think into your results.
Thinking affects attitude.
Thinking and attitude, determine actions.
Actions produce results.
Oversimplified, but still very true. I will dive deeper on these subjects in future posts.
But, if you read this far, you can do this! Think into your results.
YOU Matter!!
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